Top 10 batch traceability questions

With increased levels of globalisation and extended supply chains, and ever increasing regulatory pressures batch traceability is paramount. But just saying "Batch Traceability" sounds really easy, but in reality it's a complex multi-dimension business issue, which touches all parts of the enterprise, and for regulated industries such as Food and Beverage and Chemicals batch trace is a mandatory business process.ProcessForce provides a simple but powerful graphical solution to answer the following Top 10 questions, review the demonstration and see for yourself:- 

  • What batch number did I use?
  • Where was the batch used?
  • Where did the batch go?
  • What customers should I contact?
  • Whom did I buy the batch from? 
  • How was the batch produced?
  • What other customers rasied a complaint?
  • Were there any returns?
  • Did I have to issue any credit notes?
  • What were the quality results?