ProcesForce Product Update

As winners of the SAP Industry Solution Excellence Award 2014, our latest 9.1 PL06 and PL07 releases illustrate our continuous commitment to our industry verticals with a number of enhanced features and functions.

Yield Planning and Analysis

Yield is a common process manufacturing requirement, but how it’s managed in a business can vary greatly depending on the type of product being produced, and the raw materials used. Yield is quite a complex topic, some enterprises plan for yield, while others do not and only analyse yield. What happens when you also produce coproducts and byproducts , how do you then analyse yield ?, or you want to compare the actual quantity of a specific raw material within the recipe to the quantity produced?

To manage this ProcessForce has introduced a yield formula concept which supports yield planning for material quantity and resource time uplifts, and yield analysis to manage finished product, coproduct, byproduct and scrap yield%.

Yield Planning

Yield Analysis 

Revision based Picking

When a lot/batch record is created the revision code of the item is automatically added. By checking a simple configuration settings will filter the batch records during the inventory picking process and only display batches with the same revision code, as the items revision code within the manufacturing order

Lean Production

Well known as a methodology within the automotive industry, lean production and its principles also apply to process manufacturers. In high volume process industries, where the same or similar products are produced each and every day, creating a manufacturing order is a non-value added process. All the business wants to do is enter the quantity of the finished product and press enter. With the system backflushing inventory quantities (FIFO for batch controlled items), resource times and other related production costs.

Configurable Certificates of Analysis

As a chemical company you’re selling the same product to many different customers, but each customer may want different batch test results printed on their certificate of analysis. The key is providing the right master data structure to support this, and therefore ProcessForce has implemented a method to link customers to specific quality control tests.

Fixed Quantity Backflushing

We have all heard of proportional backflushing but what about fixed quantity ?. Imagine there is a manufacturing order for a quantity of 100, and to clean the machine at the start of the process, 100 litres of water or solvent is used. Therefore if 10 out of the 100 are produced, the full 100 litres will be backflushed. When the balance of 90 or even over-produced quantity of 100 is produced, no more water or solvent is backflushed.

Maximum Expiry Date

Many businesses embedd the date into the batch number, as well as generating the batch number when the manufacturing order is created. But if your going through a planning cycle of scheduling, to release to started and this happens over lets say a four week period, the batch number date would have been created four weeks earlier than the actual start date of production, resulting in a four week loss in the expiry date. To gain maximum expiry date a configuration setting has been added to determine at what stage of the production order cycle the batch number will be generated